ព័ត៌មាន - 19/06/2024
How to choose the right lift colour for your home

Your home interior represents who you are, and colour plays a big part in it too. Colour enables us to make a room evoke feelings, or create a cozy, and vibrant environment. So, when choosing a colour for your home lift, it’s important to make a choice that fits right in with your home interior style. […]

ព័ត៌មាន - 19/06/2024
4 Ways to extend the lifecycle of your home lift

At first glance, the efforts to extend the lifecycle of your home lift may seem insignificant in the face of the global climate crisis. But manufacturing a home lift requires a lot of energy and natural resources, and the longer you use it, the more you reduce its environmental impact. Here are a few simple […]

ព័ត៌មាន - 19/06/2024
Home lift: A rising trend in 2024

Installing a lift at home has become more popular in recent years and it is a rising trend in 2024. This trend is not expected to slow down anytime soon. Whether for accessibility and mobility reasons, or luxury and comfort, home lifts are now more accessible than ever before. In this blog we will explore the reasons […]

ព័ត៌មាន - 01/03/2024
7 Reasons why you should get a home lift

Residential lifts used to be a luxury; nowadays, home lifts are an intelligent and necessary investment if you want to future-proof your home. Whether you consider a home lift a solution for yourself or someone close to you, this blog will guide you through the 7 primary reasons why a home lift is incredibly beneficial. […]
